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The Sweaty Startup

Dec 29, 2021

I am excited to share an awesome news! If you're looking for a master class on how to grow your Twitter this 2022, you don't want to miss this!

My course on how I got over 100k followers in 10 months on Twitter is now officially LAUNCHED!

My Twitter course link:

Join our Real Estate...

Dec 22, 2021

In this episode of the Sweaty Startup, I shared a personal story that hopes to encourage you to practice saying thank you to somebody today. It may seem useless and unnecessary but it is a huge support to someone that might hear it from you. 

Find out more Why you should say thank you to somebody today in this...

Dec 15, 2021

In this episode of the Sweaty Startup, I’m going to recommend some business books that helped me grow and hope that it can help you too. People feel strongly that reading a bunch of business books will give you a ton of tips and tricks and an edge in business. And they indeed help a lot. But let me tell you one thing....

Dec 8, 2021

In this short episode of the Sweaty Startup, I want to ask question that would enable you to evaluate and get you back on track. Take some time and answer these question and be a better entrepreneur.

Check the show notes here!

We have a reddit community:

Dec 1, 2021

This episode is from my keynote speech from Re-convene: In conversation with Moses Kagan. We discussed my journey from my early years how I started my Pick-up and Delivery service to now owning a Real Estate Private Equity company. I shared a lot of valuable insight in this episode so I hope you'll enjoy!

Visit the...